hunter or hunted?
after an attack almost takes the lives of two friends, they go their separate ways for many years. one remains in the very home it happened in, the other ran away without his goodbyes. 12 years later, one after the passing of his mother leads to old friends reuniting. a pair of paranormal investigators approach them, asking for their aid. they may be the only ones left who can put an end to it all.
cesar. the widower, a survivor. the one who stayed. after a monster attack led to the near-death of both him and his mother, he tried to call for help. while the duo were eventually saved, it was his neighbours that got help, not him. after his recovery (that left extensive scarring across his neck) he stayed home to tend to his already-ill mother. he did so dutifully until the day she died. he fulfilled her last wishes by joining the local church to serve as a pastor. while he never left the town, he did move house after his mothers' passing. eventually he got married and had 2 children, and his (late) husband hiram ended up passing away in an accident less than 2 years before the reunion with mars.
jordan. an investigator. the only one stupid enough to do it. a formerly awkward and reserved boy, blossoming into himself in his late teens and growing into a confident, boisterous presence that grabs attention. is not on speaking terms with his parents due to their opinions on his transition. met ocean in high school, grew to trust him with his life. the two now mostly live in a run-down apartment with cheap rent and running water...sometimes, living in hiding posting their findings anonymously online. the pair are now in hiding due to threats from civilians and the government alike, however jordan seems to be less aware of the actual danger hes in.
marshall ("mars"). a survivor. the one who left him behind. despite dating (and later splitting up) in high school, he remained very close with cesar until the day of the attack. he tried to help, but it followed him home. he survived, but barely, being the worst off of all the victims. he fell out of touch with cesar after the incident. he still cared for him deeply, but everything around him was a horrid, constant reminder of what happened. he was paranoid constantly and stayed away from home, leading to the divorce of his parents. he moved shortly after this, leaving his sister (veronica) and mother behind. he was known to be alive, but hardly anyone saw or heard from him more than once or twice a year. he came home after news of his mothers passing, feeling guilty having not seen her again before her death (he swears he wouldve come home had he known she was unwell), but figures he cant skip her funeral. once home, he reunites with an old friend.
ocean. an investigator. the one shaped by his surroundings. started an amateur paranormal investigator group in high school. it was mostly a joke, he just wanted an excuse to use a club room to good off. but then another kid from his grade, shyly, entered the club room and asked to join. and ocean liked him a little too much to deny him. the kid would introduce himself as jordan, apparently being the first time to do so. started it take it a little more seriously to try and get close to the other club member, and once someone asked them to actually take a case (to which they saw something they truly wished they hadnt), the duo went from "skeptic just in it for the snacks and his believer friend" to "two full-on believers dedicated to prove everything". a few years later, they hear of an attack that they suspect to be paranormal in nature from the area. and low and behold, both the survivors happen to be closeby...
veronica. a sister. she is angry. she has right to be. the older sister of mars who happened to be on a work trip during the incident. stayed behind to care for their mother after mars moved. is still in contact with their father, however he moved after the divorce and isnt seen too often (though, unlike his son, contacts often). she cannot help but resent her brother for "abandoning" the family and leaving her to tend to their mother all alone. she thought he was dead for a while- only to see a social media post over a year after he left of him casually in las vegas. is both grateful and infuriated that he came home for the funeral. above all, she just wishes he would "get his head out of his ass".